Sentence examples of "hiciera" in Spanish

Todos querían que lo hiciera. Everybody wanted me to do it.
Ella no dijo nada que le hiciera enfadar. She said nothing that would make him angry.
Él le aconsejó que hiciera más ejercicio. She was advised by him to get more exercise.
Le pedí que hiciera eso. I asked him to do that.
No hay nada que yo pueda decir que hiciera cambiar a Tom de idea. There's nothing I could ever say that would make Tom change his mind.
¿Qué quería Tom que hiciera Mary? What did Tom want Mary to do?
Ella le ordenó que lo hiciera. She ordered him to do it.
No puedo creer que lo hiciera. I can't believe she did that.
Le aconsejó que hiciera más ejercicio. She advised him to do more exercise.
Ella lo persuadió para que lo hiciera. She persuaded him to do it.
No puedo creer que él hiciera eso. I can't believe he did that.
Ella le aconsejó que no lo hiciera. She advised him against doing it.
Hizo exactamente lo que le dije que hiciera. He did exactly what I told him to do.
Tom hizo lo que yo quería que hiciera. Tom did what I wanted him to do.
Es increíble que hiciera algo de ese tipo. It is unbelievable that he did something like that.
Tom no pudo conseguir que Mary lo hiciera. Tom couldn't get Mary to do it.
Tom olvidó hacer lo que se suponía que hiciera. Tom forgot to do what he was supposed to do.
Ésta es la razón de que él lo hiciera. This is the reason why he did it.
¿Qué le dijo Tom a Mary que no hiciera? What did Tom tell Mary not to do?
Tom contrató a Mary para que hiciera el trabajo. Tom hired Mary to do the job.
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