Sentence examples of "logró" in Spanish

Ella logró abrir la caja. She succeeded in opening the box.
Ella logró conducir un auto. She managed to drive a car.
Él logró al fin su objetivo. He finally achieved what he set out to do.
George logró su meta de viajar a América. George reached his goal of traveling to America.
Ella logró sacarle la verdad. She succeeded in drawing the truth from him.
Logró volver a casa antes del atardecer. He managed to get home before dark.
Él lo logró porque trabajó mucho. He succeeded because he worked hard.
La policía logró localizar el propietario del vehículo. The police managed to track down the owner of the car.
Por fin logró conseguir un trabajo. He finally succeeded in getting a job.
Por fin, Mario logró ganar el amor de la princesa. At last, Mario managed to win the princess's love.
Tom finalmente logró conseguir el trabajo que le gustaba. Tom finally succeeded in getting a job that he liked.
Tom logró escapar de la habitación donde sus secuestradores lo tenían encerrado. Tom managed to escape from the room where his kidnappers had kept him locked up.
Espero que tú lo logres. I do hope you'll succeed.
Nunca logré memorizar mi DNI. I never managed to memorize my ID.
Se ha logrado lo imposible. The impossible was achieved.
Él jamás parecía lograr nada. He never seemed to accomplish anything.
Estoy segura de que lo lograrás. I'm sure that you will succeed.
Me apresuré y logré alcanzar el bus. I hurried and managed to catch the bus.
Él trabaja duro para lograr su objetivo. He works hard to achieve his goal.
No quedó claro si lograron hacerlo o no. It was not clear whether they had accomplished it or not.
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