Sentence examples of "mantengan" in Spanish

Mantengan a los niños alejados de los cuchillos. Keep the children away from the knives.
El chofer les dijo a los alumnos que mantengan sus cabezas dentro del autobús. The bus driver told the pupils to keep their heads inside the bus.
Debemos mantener las tradiciones familiares. We must keep up the family traditions.
Él está intentando mantener dos trabajos. He is trying to maintain two jobs.
Tom tiene tres hijos para mantener. Tom has three children to support.
Mantenemos que él no es culpable. We hold that he is not guilty.
Estos platos no mantienen el calor muy bien. These dishes don't retain heat very well.
Deberías mantener el parabrisas limpio. You should keep your windshield clean.
Tom mantuvo contacto visual con Mary. Tom maintained eye contact with Mary.
Él tiene que trabajar mucho para mantener a su familia. He has to work hard in order to support his family.
El daño se mantuvo al mínimo. The damage was held to a minimum.
Deberías mantener siempre tu palabra. You should always keep your word.
Las mujeres suelen conversar para mantener relaciones personales. Women use talking to maintain personal relationships.
Su salario es muy bajo como para mantener a su familia. His salary is too low to support his family.
Ellos se mantuvieron firmes a sus convicciones. They held firm to their convictions.
Debemos mantener limpias nuestras manos. We must keep our hands clean.
Mantener a un bandido en la cárcel cuesta muy caro. Maintaining a criminal in the jail is very expensive.
Ganar suficiente dinero para mantener a su gran familia no ha sido fácil para Tom. It hasn't been easy for Tom to earn enough money to support his large family.
Tú tienes que aprender a mantener la boca cerrada. You've got to learn to hold your tongue.
Ella consiguió mantener las apariencias. She managed to keep up appearances.
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