Sentence examples of "me pondré" in Spanish with translation "become"

El juego se puso emocionante The game became exciting.
Ella se puso gravemente enferma. She became very ill.
De pronto me puse muy triste. I suddenly became very sad.
Se ha puesto mucho más caluroso. It has become much warmer.
¡Todo se ha puesto tan caro! Things have become so expensive!
Mi hermano se ha puesto gallito. My brother became a cook.
Se puso muy contento de repente. He suddenly became very happy.
Si le añades limón, se pondrá ácido. If you add lemon, it will become sour.
El cielo se puso cada vez más oscuro. The sky became darker and darker.
La leche se congeló y se puso sólida. The milk froze and became solid.
Aquella noche se puso enfermo, con dolor de estómago. That night, he became sick with pains in his stomach.
Me puse muy nervioso cuando no pude encontrar mi pasaporte. I became very nervous when I couldn't locate my passport.
El río se ha puesto mucho más limpio que antes. The river has become much cleaner than before.
Después de varios días cálidos, el tiempo se puso helado. After a succession of warm days, the weather became cold.
El estudiante se puso muy nervioso con el profesor observándolo. The student became very nervous with the teacher watching him.
Los pasajeros se pusieron nerviosos cuando el avión comenzó a vibrar. Passengers became nervous when the plane began to vibrate.
El cielo se oscureció de repente y se puso a llover. All at once the sky became dark and it started to rain.
Tom se pone nervioso cada vez que tiene que hablar en público. Tom becomes nervous whenever he has to speak in public.
Naturalmente, con tanta gente a su alrededor se puso un poco nervioso. With so many people around he naturally became a bit nervous.
Cuando uso lentes de contacto, se me secan los ojos y se ponen rojos. When I use contacts my eyes feel dry and become red.
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