Sentence examples of "miraba fijamente" in Spanish

Una vez que volví a abrir mis ojos, Amina me miraba fijamente desde el fondo de su vaso de cerveza. Once I opened my eyes again, Amina was staring at me through the bottom of her beer glass.
Es descortés mirar fijamente a las personas. It's impolite to stare at people.
Durante la noche, ella miraba la luna. At night, she gazed at the moon.
Bob me miró a la cara fijamente. Bob stared me in the face.
Contuvo el aliento mientras miraba el partido. He held his breath while watching the match.
Tom se sentó mirando fijamente al pez tropical que revoloteaba en el acuario en su habitación. Tom sat staring at the tropical fish swimming around in the aquarium in his bedroom.
Tenía curiosidad por saber por qué me miraba la gente. I was curious to know why people had been staring at me.
Él me miró fijamente y no dijo nada. He stared at me and said nothing.
En los largos días de verano ella se sentaba al sol y miraba los árboles cubrirse de hojas y las margaritas blancas cubrir la colina. In the long summer days she sat in the sun and watched the trees cover themselves with leaves, and the white daisies cover the hill.
"No puedo pensar con ese ruido," dijo ella, mirando fijamente su máquina de escribir. "I can't think with that noise," she said, as she stared at the typewriter.
¿Su madre estaba miraba a las niñas? Was their mother watching the girls?
Miré fijamente al hombre. I stared at the man.
Un policía miraba con los brazos cruzados. A policeman was watching it, with his arms crossed.
Ella le miró fijamente con ojos temerosos. She stared at him with frightened eyes.
Cuando estaba en el útero de mi madre, miraba a través de su ombligo la casa en la nacería y pensaba: "No iré ahí bajo ningún caso." When I was inside my mother's womb, I looked through my mother's navel at the house where I would be born and I thought: "No way I'm going there".
Todos la miramos fijamente. All of us stared at her.
Él miraba el cielo. He was looking at the sky.
Una vez, Cristóbal Colón miró fijamente a Medusa, y Medusa se convirtió en piedra. Christopher Columbus once stared at Medusa, and Medusa turned to stone.
Aunque Al-Sayib nunca lo admitiría, la verdadera razón por la que odia tanto a los novatos es que fue machacado por uno mientras Dima miraba y se partía el culo de risa. Although Al-Sayib would never admit it, the real reason he hates noobs that much is that he got pwned by one while Dima watched and laughed his ass off.
Contemplamos fijamente el bello paisaje. We gazed at the beautiful scenery.
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