Sentence examples of "mismo" in Spanish with translation "yourself"

Debes conocerte a ti mismo. You must know yourself.
Debes creer en ti mismo. You have to believe in yourself.
Ten confianza en ti mismo. Have confidence in yourself.
Debes juzgarlo por ti mismo. You must judge for yourself.
Lo verás por ti mismo. You'll see it for yourself.
Primero, debes protegerte a ti mismo. First, you must protect yourself.
¡Tú mismo deshazte de este vómito! Get rid of this vomit yourself!
¿Hiciste la tarea por ti mismo? Did you do the homework by yourself?
Deberías haberte presentado a ti mismo. You should have introduced yourself.
¿Cómo te describirías a ti mismo? How would you describe yourself?
Hazlo por ti mismo como sea. Do it yourself by all means.
No seas tan duro contigo mismo. Don't be too hard on yourself.
No te avergüences de ti mismo. Don't be ashamed of yourself.
No puedes hacerte cosquillas a ti mismo. You can't tickle yourself.
Y sobre todo, se verdadero contigo mismo. Above all, be true to yourself.
Respétate a ti mismo y serás respetado. Respect yourself and you will be respected.
Deberías hablar tú mismo con el profesor. You should talk to the teacher yourself.
Ahora te has delatado a ti mismo. Now you've given yourself away.
¿Por qué no lo haces tú mismo? Why don't you make it yourself?
Busca tú mismo la palabra en el diccionario. Look the word up for yourself in the dictionary.
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