Sentence examples of "mucha" in Spanish with translation "much"

Papá no come mucha fruta. Father does not eat much fruit.
Nosotros no tuvimos mucha diversión. We didn't have much fun.
La pregunta suscitó mucha controversia. The question excited much controversy.
Hoy ellos comieron mucha ensalada. They've eaten too much salad today.
Él tiene mucha experiencia como médico. He has much practical experience as a doctor.
Hoy, Tom no tiene mucha energía. Tom doesn't have much energy today.
¿Hay mucha nieve aquí en el invierno? Is there much snow here in the winter?
Tom no tenía mucha comida para comer. Tom didn't have much food to eat.
Ella le puso mucha azúcar al café. She put much sugar in the coffee.
Tom no tenía mucha agua para beber. Tom didn't have much water to drink.
Esta habitación no recibe mucha luz solar. This bedroom doesn't get very much sunlight.
No tengo mucha fe en sus capacidades. I don't have much faith in his ability.
No hemos tenido mucha lluvia este año. We haven't had much rain this year.
¿Comer mucha fibra no es malo para ti? Is eating too much fiber bad for you?
Tom no presta mucha atención a su vestimenta. Tom doesn't pay much attention to how he dresses.
Mucha gente opina que los abogados cobran demasiado. A lot of people think that lawyers get paid too much.
No hay mucha lógica en lo que dices. There isn't much logic in what you're saying.
Hay mucha evidencia documentada que prueba la evolución. There is much documented evidence to prove evolution.
Tom no presta mucha atención a cómo se viste. Tom doesn't pay much attention to how he dresses.
No tenemos mucha nieve aquí, ni siquiera en invierno. We don't have much snow here even in the winter.
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