Sentence examples of "mujeres" in Spanish with translation "wife"

Hombres ricos suelen casarse con jovenes mujeres trofeo. Wealthy older men often marry younger trophy wives.
Las mujeres hermosas mueren jóvenes (o eso dice el dicho). En ese caso, mi mujer va a vivir una larga vida. Beautiful women die young - or so the saying goes. If so then my wife is going to live a long life.
Aristóteles mantuvo que las mujeres tienen menos dientes que los hombres; aunque se casó dos veces, nunca se le ocurrió verificar esta afirmación al examinar las bocas de sus esposas. Aristotle maintained that women have fewer teeth than men; although he was twice married, it never occurred to him to verify this statement by examining his wives' mouths.
Tu mujer me enseña italiano. Your wife teaches me Italian.
Imagina que tienes una mujer. Imagine that you have a wife.
Tom engaña a su mujer. Tom is cheating on his wife.
Ésta es mi mujer, Edita. This is my wife Edita.
Vive separado de su mujer. He is living apart from his wife.
Mi mujer era una Smith. My wife was a Smith.
Mi mujer odia los gatos. My wife hates cats.
Mi mujer está intentando dormir. My wife's trying to sleep.
Iba acompañado por su mujer. He was accompanied by his wife.
Mi mujer ama las novelas románticas. My wife loves romantic novels.
Mi mujer trabaja a tiempo parcial. My wife works part time.
Esa mujer es su esposa, creo. That woman is his wife, I think.
Mi mujer lleva un vestido azul. My wife is wearing a blue dress.
Se convirtieron en marido y mujer. They became man and wife.
¿Aún sigue enamorado de su mujer? Are you still in love with your wife?
Mi mujer nunca quiso tener hijos. My wife never wanted to have kids.
Mi mujer adora la tarta de manzana. My wife loves apple pie.
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