Sentence examples of "nadie" in Spanish with translation "anybody"

No desearía esto a nadie. I wouldn't wish this to anybody.
Ella no visitó a nadie. She didn't visit anybody.
Tom nunca mató a nadie. Tom has never killed anybody.
Tom no quería herir a nadie. Tom didn't mean to hurt anybody.
Yo no quiero nada a nadie. I do not want anybody at all.
No le digas nada a nadie. Don't say anything to anybody.
Hoy no quiero ver a nadie. I don't want to see anybody today.
No había nadie en la casa. There wasn't anybody in the house.
No dejes que nadie te vea. Don't let anybody see you.
No se puede fiar de nadie. You can't trust anybody.
No le menciones nuestros planes a nadie. Don't mention our plan to anybody.
No se lo diré nunca a nadie. I will never tell it to anybody.
No le cuentes nuestro plan a nadie. Don't mention our plan to anybody.
Tom alegó no haber matado a nadie. Tom claimed that he didn't kill anybody.
No tengo ganas de hablar con nadie. I don't feel like talking to anybody.
Tom no ha matado nunca a nadie. Tom has never killed anybody.
La guerra no hace feliz a nadie. War doesn't make anybody happy.
Tom no quiere ver a nadie hoy. Tom doesn't want to see anybody today.
Él me prometió no decírselo a nadie. He promised me that he won't tell anybody.
Tú nunca la ves la culpa a nadie. You never see a fault in anybody.
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