Sentence examples of "objetivo" in Spanish

Éste es nuestro principal objetivo. This is our main goal.
Éste es nuestro objetivo principal. This is our main objective.
Su objetivo es convertirse en doctor. His aim is to become a doctor.
Dime el objetivo de tu plan. Tell me the object of your plan.
Por fin lograron su objetivo. They attained their purpose at last.
La flecha falló su objetivo. The arrow missed its target.
Por fin él consiguió su objetivo. At last he reached his goal.
Él no tiene un objetivo claro en la vida. He doesn't have a clear objective in life.
El objetivo de toda vida es la muerte. The aim of all life is death.
Su objetivo principal en la vida era volverse rico. His main object in life was to become rich.
¿Cuál es el objetivo primordial de la educación? What is the ultimate purpose of education?
Apunta el objetivo con esta pistola. Aim at the target with this gun.
Él trabaja duro para lograr su objetivo. He works hard to achieve his goal.
¿Que pretendes hacer a partir de ahora? ¿Tienes un objetivo? What do you intend to do from now on? Do you have an objective?
Su objetivo en la vida es ahorrar dinero. His aim in life is to save money.
Su objetivo principal en la vida era hacerse rico. His main object in life was to become rich.
Ir a la universidad no es el objetivo de mi vida. Entering a university is not the purpose of my life.
Hay trabajadores cuyo objetivo único es hacerse explotadores. There are workers whose only goal is to become exploiters.
Es muy difícil para cualquiera ser objetivo acerca de su propio carácter. It is very difficult for anybody to be objective about his own character.
Tenemos que alcanzar nuestro objetivo a cualquier precio. We must achieve our aim at any price.
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