Sentence examples of "ocurra" in Spanish

Nada ocurre si no provocas que ocurra. Nothing happens unless you make it happen.
Tom no quiere que ocurra lo mismo aquí. Tom doesn't want the same thing to happen here.
Es probable que un accidente así ocurra de nuevo. Such an accident is likely to happen again.
El tiempo es lo que evita que todo ocurra de golpe. Time is the thing that keeps everything from happening at once.
Todo esto ocurre en milisegundos. All this happens within miliseconds.
Se me ocurrió una idea. An idea occurred to me.
¿En dónde ocurrió el accidente? Where did the accident take place?
Simplemente odio cuando eso ocurre. I just hate when that happens.
El accidento ocurrió de madrugada. The accident occurred at dawn.
¿En qué lugar ocurrió ese accidente? Where did the accident take place?
Yo ya olvidé lo ocurrido. I already forgot what happened.
Nunca se me ocurren ideas brillantes. Bright ideas never occur to me.
El accidente ocurrió en la autopista. The accident took place on the highway.
¿Por qué ha ocurrido esto? Why has this happened?
Pero, desgraciadamente, esto no ocurrirá pronto. But unfortunately, this will not occur very soon.
Por eso, estamos obligados a informar en todas partes a nuestra familia cristiana del holocausto silencioso que ocurre entre nosotros. We are therefore compelled to inform our Christian family everywhere of the silent holocaust that is taking place in our midst.
Parece que ha ocurrido algo. It seems that something has happened.
Se me ocurrió una maravillosa idea. A wonderful idea occurred to me.
Ojalá ocurriera con más frecuencia. I wish it would happen more often.
"Esta conversación nunca ocurrió." - "¿Qué conversación?" "This conversation never occurred." - "What conversation?"
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