Sentence examples of "oyó" in Spanish

Ella oyó a alguien pidiendo ayuda. She heard someone calling for help.
En cuanto oyó el timbre, contestó el teléfono. As soon as she heard the bell ring, she answered the telephone.
Tom oyó que Mary había muerto. Tom heard that Mary had died.
Tom lo oyó y se enfadó. Tom heard this and got angry.
Tom oyó que Mary estaba enferma. Tom heard that Mary was sick.
Cuando oyó el pitido, cruzó la calle. When he heard the whistle, he crossed the street.
Cuando ella oyó la noticia, suspiró decepcionada. When she heard the news, she sighed disappointedly.
Él lo oyó llorar a la medianoche. He heard him cry at midnight.
Tom oyó a Mary roncando en clases. Tom heard Mary snoring in class.
Se puso pálido cuando oyó la noticia. His face turned pale on hearing the news.
Se oyó un sonido en el dormitorio. I heard a noise in the bedroom.
Cuando oyó la noticia se quedó blanco. His face turned pale on hearing the news.
Tom oyó que Mary era muy rica. Tom heard that Mary was very rich.
Ella le oyó cantar su canción favorita. She heard him sing his favorite song.
Ella vino aquí en cuanto lo oyó. She came here as soon as she heard it.
Tom oyó un golpe en la puerta. Tom heard a knock at the door.
Ella gritó pidiendo auxilio, pero nadie le oyó. She cried for help, but nobody heard her.
Ella le gritó, pero él no la oyó. She shouted to him, but he didn't hear her.
Tom oyó a Mary hablar acerca de John. Tom heard Mary talk about John.
Ella vino aquí tan rápido como lo oyó. She came here as soon as she heard it.
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