Sentence examples of "pararás" in Spanish with translation "save"

Ella arriesgó su vida para salvarle. She risked her life to save him.
Ella trabajó duro para ahorrar dinero. She worked hard in order to save money.
Él arriesgó su vida para salvarla. He risked his life to save her.
Él trabajó incansablemente para ahorrar más dinero. He worked hard so as to save more money.
Ahorra para poder ir a la universidad. Save up so that you can go to college.
Estamos ahorrando para construir una nueva casa. We're saving up to build a new house.
El doctor llegó a tiempo para salvarla. The doctor arrived in time to save her.
Tom arriesgó su vida para salvar a Mary. Tom risked his life to save Mary.
Yo estoy ahorrando para comprarme un nuevo carro. I'm saving up to buy a new car.
El está ahorrando para ir a la universidad. He's saving up to go to college.
Hicimos todos lo que pudimos para salvar al niño. We did everything we could to save the boy.
Si tuviera alas para volar, habría ido a salvarla. If I had wings to fly, I would have gone to save her.
Ojalá tuviera alas para volar, y poder ir a rescatarla. If I had wings to fly, I would have gone to save her.
El soldado se sacrificó para salvar la vida de su amigo. The soldier sacrificed himself to save his friend's life.
Casi pierdo mi vida para salvarla, pero ella nunca lo reconoció. I almost lose my life to save her, but she never admitted it.
El padre dio la propia vida para salvar la de la hija. The father gave his own life in order to save her daughter's.
El soldado ofreció su propia vida para salvar la de su amigo. The soldier saved his friend at the cost of his own life.
Ella puso en riesgo su vida para salvar a un niño de ahogarse. She saved the drowning child at the risk of her own life.
Bill se zambulló en el río para salvar al chico que se ahogaba. Bill dove into the river to save the drowning child.
Tom hizo todo lo que estuvo a su alcance para salvar a los niños atrapados en el edificio en llamas. Tom did everything within his power to save the children that were trapped in the burning building.
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