Sentence examples of "parecer" in Spanish

Al parecer, ella estaba enferma. It seems that she was ill.
Tom no quiere parecer tonto. Tom doesn't want to look foolish.
Tom no quiere parecer débil. Tom doesn't want to appear weak.
Puede parecer extraño, pero es verdad. It may sound strange, but it is true.
Al parecer Jack está enfermo. It seems that Jack is sick.
Lleva zapatos de tacón para parecer más alta. She wears high heels to make herself look taller.
Al parecer, ella sabía el secreto. She seems to have known the secret.
Su pelo gris la hace parecer más vieja. Her gray hair makes her look older than her age.
Al parecer el gato quiere algo de agua. The cat seems to want some water.
De repente, empezó a parecer casi agradable y cálido. Suddenly, it started to look almost nice and warm.
Al parecer, la señora Brown es una actriz. Ms. Brown seems to be an actress.
No temas, al principio puede parecer intimidante, pero él es realmente una persona muy amigable. Don't worry. He may look intimidating at first glance, but he's actually a very friendly person.
A mi parecer las imágenes hablan por sí solas. It seems to me that the pictures speak for themselves.
Al parecer, su propósito de estudiar en el extranjero es desarrollar su capacidad para hablar el inglés. Developing his ability of speaking English, it seems, is his purpose of studying abroad.
Toda la gente alabó al traje del emperador sin verlo para no parecer estúpida, hasta que un niño dijo: “¡Pero el rey va desnudo!” The people all praised the emperor's clothes without telling him the truth so as not to seem stupid, until a little boy said, "The emperor is naked!"
A Tom parece faltarle energía. Tom seems to lack energy.
Se parece a su padre. He looks like his father.
Hoy ella parece muy feliz. She looks very happy today.
Me parece bueno tu trabajo. I think your work is all right.
Me parece que estás equivocado. It appears to me you are mistaken.
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