Sentence examples of "pastel de carne" in Spanish

Tom cenó pastel de carne y puré. Tom had meat loaf and mashed potatoes for dinner.
Mi madre nos suele preparar pastel de manzana. My mother often bakes apple pies for us.
¿Compraste un poco de carne en el supermercado? Did you buy any meat in the supermarket?
A pesar de mi dieta, no pude evitar tomar una rebanada de pastel de chocolate. In spite of my diet, I couldn't help taking a slice of chocolate cake.
¿Cuál es tu corte de carne favorito? What's your favorite cut of meat?
Los estadounidenses comen un montón de carne. Americans eat a lot of meat.
¿Cuántos kilos de carne compraste? How many kilos of meat did you buy?
Él hizo la sopa mezclando un poco de carne y un poco de arroz. He made the soup by mixing a little meat with some rice.
Cogió algo de carne del plato. She took some meat from the plate.
El doctor le dijo a Tom que disminuyera la cantidad de carne roja que comía. The doctor told Tom to lower the amount of red meat that he ate.
¿Qué tipos de platos de carne sirven? What kinds of meat dishes do you serve?
Vi un perro. El perro tenía un pedazo de carne en la boca. I saw a dog. The dog held a piece of meat in its mouth.
Aún cuando mi amigo era vegetariano, yo no le dije que que la sopa llevaba algo de carne. Even though my friend was a vegetarian, I didn't tell him that the soup had some meat in it.
Vi un perro. El perro llevaba un trozo de carne en la boca. I saw a dog. The dog held a piece of meat in its mouth.
Sólo queda una lata de carne. There is only one can of meat left.
Dale un cacho de carne al perro. Give some meat to the dog.
Le di al perro dos pedazos de carne. I gave the dog two pieces of meat.
Me gustan los sándwiches de carne, queso y tomate. I like meat, cheese and tomato sandwiches.
Él le arrojó un pedazo de carne a un perro. He threw a piece of meat to a dog.
Él da un poco de carne al perro. He gives some meat to the dog.
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