Sentence examples of "pedí" in Spanish

Pedí prestado el diccionario de mi amigo. I borrowed the dictionary from my friend.
Pedí prestado 1.000 yenes de mi primo. I borrowed 1,000 yen from my cousin.
Le pedí prestado el destornillador a un amigo mío. I borrowed the screwdriver from a friend of mine.
Le pedí que lo escribiera. I had him write it.
Pedí que utilizaran paréntesis, no corchetes. I told them to use parenthesis, not brackets.
Le pedí que pagara la cuenta inmediatamente. I demanded that he pay the bill immediately.
Yo le pedí que me mantuviera informado. I requested him to keep me informed.
Hacé lo que te pedí sin contestar. Do as you are told, and no answering back.
Pedí a mi secretaria que sacara diez copias. I had my secretary run off ten copies.
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