Sentence examples of "pienso" in Spanish with translation "think"

Pienso lo mismo que ellos. I think the same as they do.
Pienso que él tiene razón. I think that he is right.
Pienso que siempre te amaré. I think I'll always love you.
Pienso en ella a menudo. I think about her often.
Pienso que Delbert está loco. I think that Delbert is crazy.
Sí, yo igual pienso eso. Yeah. I think so, too.
Pienso que todo irá bien. I think that everything will be okay.
No pienso, luego no existo. I don't think, therefore I am not.
Pienso que es demasiado grande. I think that it's too big.
Pienso que deberíamos hacer algo estúpido. I think we should do something stupid.
Pienso que es un buen hombre. I think he is a good man.
Yo pienso que eso es verdad. I think that it's true.
Pienso aprender coreano el próximo semestre. I'm thinking of learning Korean next semester.
Pienso que ella es buena bailarina. I think she is a good dancer.
Pienso que es un gran escritor. I think he's a great writer.
Pienso que tu teoría es incorrecta. I think your theory is incorrect.
Ahora que lo pienso, está equivocado. Come to think of it, he is wrong.
Ahora que soy adulto, pienso diferente. Now that I am a grownup, I think otherwise.
Pienso en ella día y noche. I think of her day and night.
Yo pienso que alguien fue ahí. I think that someone went there.
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