Sentence examples of "ponerse" in Spanish

Tom no pudo ponerse en contacto con Mary. Tom couldn't get in touch with Mary.
Amy hizo un esfuerzo por ponerse de pie. Amy made an effort to stand up.
No hay manera de ponerse en contacto con él. There is no means to get in touch with him.
A Tom no le gusta ponerse reloj. Tom doesn't like to wear a watch.
Las hojas empezaron a ponerse rojas y amarillas. The leaves began to turn red and yellow.
Ella intentó ponerse a dieta y bajar cinco kilos. She tried to go on a diet and lose five kilograms.
¿Crees que las minifaldas volverán a ponerse de moda? Do you think miniskirts will come back again?
La dama persistía en ponerse esa camisa pasada de moda. The lady persisted in wearing that old-fashioned shirt.
Él está trabajando mucho para ponerse al nivel de los demás. He is working hard to catch up with the others.
Los uniformes privan a los jóvenes de una importante elección: qué ponerse. Uniforms deprive youths of an important choice: what to wear.
A Tom le está costando mucho decidir qué ponerse para la fiesta. Tom is having a hard time deciding what to wear to the party.
Tal era su orgullo que él no pudo ponerse a ignorar el insulto. Such was his pride that he could not bring himself to ignore the insult.
Tom no pudo ponerse a la par de los otros estudiantes después de que se recuperó del coma. Tom couldn't catch up with the other students after he came out of his coma.
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