Sentence examples of "propia meta" in Spanish

George logró su meta de viajar a América. George reached his goal of traveling to America.
El hombre trató de instalar su propia antena. The man tried to install his own antenna.
Su meta en la vida es ser estrella de cine. Her aim in life is to become a movie star.
Él salvó a su amigo arriesgando su propia vida. He saved his friend at the risk of his own life.
Ella es distinta de los demás en que ella tiene una meta. She differs from the others in that she has a goal.
Fue su propia culpa. It was his own fault.
¿Cuál es tu meta en Tatoeba? What's your aim in Tatoeba?
Ella está asustada de su propia sombra. She is afraid of her own shadow.
Definitivamente, esa es la meta. That's definitely the goal.
Supuestamente ella le mató en defensa propia. She allegedly killed him in self defense.
Es imposible alcanzar esa meta. That aim is impossible to attain.
Desearía tener una casa propia. I wish I had a house of my own.
Nuestra meta final es establecer la paz mundial. Our ultimate goal is to establish world peace.
¡Creemos nuestra propia lengua para que nadie sepa de qué estamos hablando! Let's make our own language so no one will know what we're talking about!
Mucha gente vaga por la vida sin una meta. Many people drift through life without a purpose.
Ella salvó la vida de su bebé al precio de perder la propia. She saved her baby's life at the risk of losing her own.
Él alcanzó su meta. He achieved his purpose.
Esta noche un compositor local estrenará una sinfonía propia. Tonight, a local composer will debut a symphony of his own.
Su meta en la vida era convertirse en músico. His object in life was to become a musician.
Busco mi propia verdad. I seek my own truth.
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