Sentence examples of "propio" in Spanish

¿Puedo escoger mi propio escritorio? Can I pick my own desk?
Él maneja su propio coche. He drives his own car.
Finalmente tengo mi propio coche. Finally, I have my own car.
Él repara su propio coche. He repairs his own car.
Tom tiene su propio dormitorio. Tom has his own bedroom.
Nadie es su propio enemigo. Nobody is his own enemy.
Ella tiene algún dinero propio. She has some money of her own.
Finalmente tengo mi propio auto. Finally, I have my own car.
Cada estudiante tiene su propio pupitre. Each student has his own desk.
Vendió su propio coche sin dudarlo. He sold his own car without hesitation.
Cada uno tiene su propio gusto. Each has his own taste.
Cada niño tiene su propio cuarto. Each child has his own room.
Tengo mi dormitorio propio en casa. I have my own bedroom at home.
Cada estudiante tiene su propio ordenador. Each student has their own computer.
Tom es su propio peor enemigo. Tom is his own worst enemy.
Estonia tiene su propio himno nacional. Estonia has it own national anthem.
Todos deberían traerse su propio almuerzo. Everyone should bring their own lunch.
Todos necesitan encontrar su propio camino. Everyone needs to find his own path.
Eres el dueño de tu propio destino. You are the master of your own destiny.
Puedes traer tu propio almuerzo al colegio. You may bring your own lunch to school.
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