Sentence examples of "pudimos" in Spanish with translation "can"

No pudimos averiguar su dirección. We could not find out her address.
No pudimos averiguar su paradero. We couldn't find out her whereabouts.
No pudimos permitir su demanda. We couldn't allow his claim.
No nos pudimos tragar su historia. We could not swallow his story.
No pudimos hacer nada por ellos. We couldn't do anything for them.
No pudimos hacer nada por ellas. We couldn't do anything for them.
Comimos hasta que no pudimos comer más. We ate until we couldn't eat any more.
No pudimos evitar sentir lástima por ella. We couldn't help feeling sorry for her.
Pudimos ir de viaje unos cuantos días. We could go travelling for a few days.
No pudimos ver nada más que niebla. We could see nothing but fog.
No pudimos evitar pensar que estaba muerto. We couldn't help but think that he was dead.
No pudimos salir a causa del tifón. We couldn't go out because of the typhoon.
No pudimos evitar reirnos del chiste del profesor. We couldn't help laughing at the teacher's joke.
No pudimos ir allí porque no teníamos coche. We couldn't go there because we didn't have a car.
Tratamos de hacerlo cambiar de idea, pero no pudimos. We tried to get him to change his mind, but couldn't.
La puerta estaba con llave y no pudimos entrar. The door was locked and we couldn't get in.
Hicimos todos lo que pudimos para salvar al niño. We did everything we could to save the boy.
No pudimos continuar nuestro viaje por falta de dinero. We could not continue our journey for lack of money.
No pudimos abrir la puerta porque estaba cerrada desde adentro. We couldn't open the door because it was locked from within.
No pudimos soportar escuchar el patético llanto del niño enfermo. We could not bear to listen to the sick child's pathetic cries.
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