Sentence examples of "quedé" in Spanish

Me quedé dormido en clases. I went to sleep during the lesson.
Me quedé dormida viendo televisión. Watching TV, I fell asleep.
Me quedé dormido viendo televisión. Watching TV, I fell asleep.
Quedé atrapado en un embotellamiento. I was caught in a traffic jam.
Quedé atascado en el tráfico. I was caught in traffic.
Me quedé esperando mucho rato. I was waiting for a long time.
Quedé como un verdadero idiota I made a complete fool of myself
Me quedé dormido mientras leía. I fell asleep while reading.
Me quedé dormido leyendo un libro. While I was reading, I fell asleep.
Quedé decepcionado con el nuevo producto. I was disappointed with the new product.
Me quedé con la peor parte. I kept the worst part.
Cuando lo oí, me quedé perplejo. When I heard it, I was dumbfounded.
Ayer me quedé trabajando todo el día. Yesterday I spent the whole day working.
Quedé exhausto por caminar una distancia larga. I exhausted myself by walking a long distance.
Perdón por llegar tarde: me quedé dormido. Sorry for arriving late: I overslept.
Me quedé dormido porque mi alarma no sonó. I overslept because my alarm didn't go off.
Me quedé dormido y llegué tarde al colegio. I overslept and was late for school.
Me quedé dormido con los lentes de contacto. I fell asleep with my contacts in.
Me quedé dormido en la clase de matemáticas. I went to sleep during the math lesson.
Tan pronto como me senté, me quedé dormido/a. As soon as I sat down, I fell asleep.
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