Sentence examples of "recientemente" in Spanish

Translations: all62 recent37 recently21 late3 other translations1
Él ha fundado una empresa recientemente. He set up a company recently.
La nación declaró recientemente su independencia. The nation recently declared its independence.
Tom ha estado enfermo hartas veces recientemente. Tom has been sick a lot recently.
Tom no se ha sentido muy bien recientemente. Tom hasn't been very well recently.
Las importaciones desde Asia se han expandido recientemente. The imports from Asian countries have expanded recently.
A Tom recientemente se le diagnosticó artritis reumatoide. Tom has recently been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.
Se ha encontrado recientemente una extraña criatura marina. A strange marine creature was found recently.
Tom ha estado tendiendo problemas para dormir recientemente. Tom has been having trouble sleeping recently.
¿Has estado en contacto con el señor White recientemente? Have you been in contact with Mr White recently?
Han habido un número de accidentes de tráfico recientemente. A number of traffic accidents have happened recently.
Recientemente, ha disminuido la dignidad e importancia del padre japonés. Recently, the dignity and importance of the Japanese father has diminished.
Recientemente se han descubierto depósitos ricos en minerales en Afganistán. Rich mineral deposits have been discovered recently in Afghanistan.
Se paciente con Bob. Sabes, él ha atravesado ratos difíciles recientemente. Go easy on Bob. You know, he's been going though a rough period recently.
Recientemente salieron a la luz nuevos datos sobre la China antigua. New facts about ancient China have recently come to light.
Recientemente, han habido señales de que la economía está tomando vuelo. Recently, there have been signs that the economy is picking up steam.
De todos los libros publicados recientemente, sólo unos pocos valen la pena leer. Of all the books published recently, only a few are worth reading.
La habitación a la que recientemente me cambié recibe mucha luz del sol. The room I've moved into recently gets plenty of sunshine.
Puede que no encuentres oraciones añadidas recientemente porque todavía no hayan sido indexadas. You may not be able to find sentences that have been added recently because they have not been indexed yet.
He utilizado recientemente los servicios de su agencia de viajes para contratar un crucero por el Mediterráneo. I have recently used the services of his travel agency to book a cruise in the Mediterranean.
Recientemente me he estado sintiendo un poco cansado, así que no he ido a nadar esta semana. Recently I have been feeling a little tired, so I have not gone swimming this week.
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