Sentence examples of "regularmente" in Spanish

La gente que trabaja regularmente en sitios abiertos no sufre de insomnio. People who regularly work in the open air do not suffer from sleeplessness.
¿Sabías que los hombres que toman regularmente la píldora anticonceptiva no se quedan embarazados? Did you know that men who regularly take the birth control pill don't get pregnant?
Cuando pregunté al estudiante universitario si asistía regularmente a la facultad, no supo qué contestar. When I asked the college student if he regularly attended his school, he was at a loss for an answer.
La compañía les provee a sus trabajadores sus uniformes, pero se espera que ellos los laven regularmente. The firm provides its workers with their uniforms, but they are expected to have them regularly cleaned.
Casi la mitad de los hombres en Gran Britania le regala regularmente chocolates a su pareja, sobretodo para su cumpleaños. Almost half the men in Great Britain regularly give chocolate to their partner, especially for their birthday.
El sesenta por ciento de los hombres adultos japoneses beben regularmente alcohol. Sixty percent of Japanese adult males drink alcoholic beverages on a regular basis.
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