Sentence examples of "restaurante" in Spanish with translation "restaurant"

Translations: all113 restaurant112 other translations1
Este restaurante está mal administrado. This restaurant is badly managed.
Encontré este restaurante por casualidad. I found this restaurant by chance.
El restaurante siempre está lleno. The restaurant is always packed.
Mi padre tiene un restaurante. My father has a restaurant.
Entramos al restaurante y almorzamos. We entered the restaurant and had lunch.
Conozco un buen restaurante italiano. I know a good Italian restaurant.
Entré al restaurante y almorcé. I entered the restaurant and had lunch.
¿Cuál es tu restaurante preferido? What's your favorite restaurant?
Quiero cenar en un restaurante. I wanna have dinner in a restaurant.
Mi padre maneja un restaurante. My father runs a restaurant.
¿Hay un restaurante por aquí? Is there a restaurant near here?
Nuestro restaurante es el mejor. Our restaurant is the best.
¿Hay restaurante en estos almacenes? Is there a restaurant in this store, please?
El restaurante no prepara almuerzos. The restaurant doesn't do lunch.
Encontré ese restaurante por accidente. I found that restaurant by accident.
Encontré este restaurante de casualidad. I found this restaurant by chance.
Entré a un restaurante y almorcé. I entered a restaurant and had lunch.
Una vez trabajé en un restaurante. I once worked in a restaurant.
¿Dónde está el restaurante más cercano? Where is the nearest restaurant?
Corrí al restaurante de mi padre. So I ran to my father's restaurant.
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