Sentence examples of "rica" in Spanish

Esa dama parece ser rica. That lady appears rich.
Ella es una mujer rica. She is a wealthy woman.
La familia Van Horn era rica. The Van Horn family was rich.
Descubrí que Kate era rica. I found out that Kate was wealthy.
La gente de aquí es rica. People are rich here.
Averigüé que Kate era rica. I found out that Kate was wealthy.
Tom sabía que Mary era rica. Tom knew that Mary was rich.
Él es el hijo de una familia rica. He is the son of a wealthy family.
Ella debe de haber sido rica. She must have been rich.
Ella se ha criado en una familia rica. She was raised in a wealthy family.
China es rica en recursos naturales. China is rich in natural resources.
Arabia Saudita es muy rica en petróleo. Saudi Arabia is very rich in oil.
Ella es rica, pero él es pobre. She is rich but he is poor.
Mucha gente rica vive en este barrio. Many rich people live in this neighborhood.
Tom oyó que Mary era muy rica. Tom heard that Mary was very rich.
La región es relativamente rica en recursos minerales. The region is relatively rich in mineral resources.
Tom no comprendía que Mary era tan rica. Tom didn't realize Mary was so rich.
Cuanto más rica una ciudad, más basura produce. The richer the city the more rubbish it generates.
Ella debe haber sido rica en aquellos días. She must have been rich in those days.
Ella debe ser rica para tener tres autos. She must be rich to have three cars.
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