Sentence examples of "tales" in Spanish

Translations: all84 such83 fell1
Ellos no encontraron tales pruebas. They found no such proof.
Es mi negocio investigar tales cosas. It's my business to investigate such things.
No creo que tales cosas existan. I don't believe such things to exist.
Algunos cuestionarían la veracidad de tales rumores. Some people would question the truth of such rumors.
Es una fortuna que tengas tales padres. It is fortunate that you have such parents.
Bajo tales circunstancias, no podemos tener éxito. Under such circumstances, we can not succeed.
Su orgullo no se quebraría por tales insultos. His pride would not brook such insults.
Yo nunca escuché tales historias que él cuenta. I have never heard such stories as he tells.
Es cruel de su parte al decirle tales cosas. It is cruel of him to say such things to her.
Me gustan las frutas tales como uvas y duraznos. I like such fruits as grapes and peaches.
No tengo el más mínimo interés en tales cosas. I'm not in the least interested in such things.
La tienda vende alimentos tales como mantequilla, queso y azúcar. The store sells foodstuffs, such as butter, cheese, and sugar.
Las bayas son ricas en minerales tales como el potasio. Berries are high in minerals such as potassium.
Si la ciencia progresa, seremos capaces de resolver tales problemas. If science makes progress, we'll be able to solve such problems.
Hay pocos sitios en el mundo que te den tales libertades. There are few places in the world that give you such freedoms.
Tales observaciones le presentaron ejemplos evidentes de perturbaciones químicas de la salud. Such observations showed him obvious examples of chemical perturbations of health.
No me gustan los deportes tales como el boxeo y el hockey. I don't like such sports as boxing and hockey.
Él conserva algunos objetos de su infancia tales como volantines, juguetes y cuadernos. He conserves some objects of his childhood, such as kites, toys and notebooks.
Él no era el tipo de padre que daba mucha importancia a tales cuestiones. He wasn't the kind of father to make much of such matters.
La geología se divide en varias ramas, tales como la mineralogía, petrología y geología física. Geology is divided into various branches such as mineralogy, petrology, and physical geology.
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