Sentence examples of "te burles" in Spanish

¡No te burles de mí! Don't make fun of me!
¡Dios, no te burles de mi fe! God, don't mock my faith!
No te burles de ellos. Don't make fun of them.
No te burles de ese niño. Don't make fun of that child.
No te burles de los extranjeros. Don't make fun of foreigners.
No te burles de los niños. Don't make fun of children.
No te burles de la gente. Don't make fun of people.
No te burles de él porque no es capaz de escribir su nombre. Don't make fun of him because he cannot write his name.
Mejor no te burles de ella. Se acaba de tomar tres botellas de cerveza. Don't make fun of her. She just chugged three bottles of beer.
No deberías burlarte de ellos. You ought not to make fun of them.
Es cruel burlarse de un ciego. It is cruel to mock a blind man.
No deberías burlarte de él. You should not make fun of him.
El muchacho se burló de su amigo por ser un cobarde. The boy mocked his friend for being a coward.
Ellos se burlaron de mí. They made fun of me.
Uno debería ser respetuoso con las creencias de otros en vez de burlarse de ellas. One should be respectful of other's beliefs rather than mock them.
Ellos se burlaron de él. They made fun of him.
No puedo no burlarme de él. I can't help making fun of him.
No puedo evitar burlarme de él. I can't help making fun of him.
Tom no debería burlarse de Mary. Tom shouldn't make fun of Mary.
Nos burlamos de él por eso. We made fun of him about this.
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