Sentence examples of "terriblemente" in Spanish with translation "terrible"

Algo ha salido terriblemente mal. Something has gone terribly wrong.
Sus clases son terriblemente aburridas. His lectures are terribly boring.
Los trenes serbios son terriblemente lentos. Serbian trains are terribly slow.
Trabajar en grupos grandes es terriblemente frustrante. Work in large groups is terribly frustrating.
Yo sentí a la casa sacudirse terriblemente. I felt the house shaking terribly.
Hoy hace un calor terrible. The heat is terrible today.
Le esperaba un terrible destino. A terrible fate awaited him.
Su marido tiene una tos terrible. Her husband has a terrible cough.
Se estremeció ante la terrible escena. He shuddered at the terrible scene.
Fumar es terrible para tu salud. Smoking is terrible for your health.
Ella me llamó muchas cosas terribles. She called me many terrible things.
Hubo un accidente terrible en la autopista. There was a terrible accident on the freeway.
La bomba atómica es un arma terrible. An A-bomb is a terrible weapon.
El enemigo más terrible es un amigo pasado. The most terrible enemy is a former friend.
No hay nada tan terrible como un terremoto. Nothing is so terrible as an earthquake.
Tom despertó con un terrible dolor de cabeza. Tom woke up with a terrible headache.
El general John Pope cometió un terrible error. General John Pope made a terrible mistake.
El tímido soldado era atormentado por terribles pesadillas. The timid soldier was tormented by terrible nightmares.
La gente casi murió de hambre durante el terrible invierno. The people almost starved during the terrible winter.
Los discos son audibles, pero la calidad de sonido es terrible. The discs are audible but the sound quality is terrible.
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