Sentence examples of "totalmente" in Spanish with translation "completely"

El coche quedó totalmente inmovilizado. The car stopped completely immobile.
El cielo estaba totalmente oscuro. The sky was completely dark.
Tom se sintió totalmente desamparado. Tom felt completely helpless.
Tu alfombra es totalmente blanca. Your carpet is completely white.
Es totalmente imposible prever su reacción. It's completely impossible to foretell his reaction.
Ese es un rumor totalmente infundado. That's a completely unfounded rumor.
La forma en que actué fue totalmente estúpida. The way I acted was completely stupid.
El soberano se recuperó totalmente de su enfermedad. The sovereign completely recovered from his illness.
Apenas llegué a Suecia quedé totalmente sorprendido de los precios. When I had just arrived in Switzerland, I was completely taken aback by the prices.
Creo que sería totalmente comprensible que ella rechazase su oferta. I think that it's completely understandable if she turns down his offer.
Soy un chico totalmente normal que tiene muchas aficiones, tal vez demasiados. I'm a completely normal guy who has many hobbies, maybe too many.
Tenemos que plantear un paradigma totalmente diferente para explicar todos estos fenómenos. We need to postulate a completely different paradigm to explain all these phenomena.
Sé que no eres totalmente inocente, tú también tienes tu parte de culpa. I know you're not completely innocent, you too, share some of the blame.
Estoy calado totalmente debido a la fuerte lluvia. ¿Vendrás y me recogerás con tu coche? I'm completely wet because of the heavy rain. Will you come and pick me up with your car?
Los números primos son como la vida: son totalmente lógicos, pero es imposible descubrir sus reglas, aunque te pases todo el tiempo pensando en ellos. Prime numbers are like life; they are completely logical, but impossible to find the rules for, even if you spend all your time thinking about it.
Los matemáticos tienen esto en común con los franceses: cogen lo que quiera que les estés diciendo y lo traducen a su manera, y lo transforman en algo totalmente diferente. Mathematicians have this in common with the French: whatever you're trying to say to them, they take it and translate it in their own way and turn it around into something completely different.
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