Sentence examples of "vengas" in Spanish

No vengas tarde, ¿de acuerdo? Don't come late, okay?
Me alegro de que vengas. I'm glad you're coming.
Espero que vengas de nuevo. I do hope you will come again.
Él quiere que vengas a casa. He wants you to come home.
Tengo ganas de que vengas conmigo. I would like you to come with me.
No vengas a por mí, no hace falta. Don't come to pick me up. There's no need to.
No me vengas con quejas cuando te muerda. Don't come complaining to me when it bites you.
Ella venirá a mi cumpleaños solo si vengas. Only if you come will she come to my birthday party.
No vengas al colegio a hacer el tonto. Don't come to school to lark around.
Espero con ganas a que vengas a Japón. I'm looking forward to your coming to Japan.
No hace falta que vengas aquí todos los días. You don't have to come here every day.
No hace falta que vengas a trabajar el sábado. You don't need to come to work Saturday.
No es necesario que vengas aquí todos los días. You don't have to come here every day.
No importa cuando vengas, yo jugaré una partida de shogi contigo. No matter when you come, I'll play a game of Japanese chess with you.
Sin importar cuando vengas, yo jugaré una partida de ajedrez japonés contigo. No matter when you come, I'll play a game of Japanese chess with you.
No hace falta que vengas a la oficina, te puedes tomar el día libre. You don't need to come to the office, you can take the day off.
Si no quieres ponerte protector solar es tu problema, pero no vengas a quejarte conmigo cuando tengas quemaduras de sol. If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn.
Vine a Japón desde China. I came to Japan from China.
Él estaba sentado bebiendo vino. He was sitting drinking wine.
Tom vengó la muerte de María. Tom avenged Mary's death.
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