Sentence examples of "vi" in Spanish with translation "see"

Lo vi cruzando la calle. I saw him crossing the street.
Lo vi serruchando un árbol. I saw him sawing a tree.
Le vi jugar al béisbol. I saw him playing baseball.
Juro que no vi nada. I swear I didn't see anything.
Nunca vi altavoces tan potentes. Never did I see such powerful speakers.
Estaba asustado cuando vi eso. I was frightened when I saw that.
Lo vi cruzar la calle. I saw him cross the street.
Fue aquí donde la vi. It was here that I saw her.
Les vi jugar al béisbol. I saw them play baseball.
Nunca vi un refrigerador rojo. I never saw a red fridge.
Le vi hace tres años. I saw him three years ago.
Vi a James hace poco. I have recently seen James.
La vi limpiar la habitación. I saw her clean the room.
Yo nunca vi un OVNI. I myself have never seen a UFO.
Le vi serrando un árbol. I saw him sawing a tree.
La vi la semana pasada. I saw her last week.
La vi en la fiesta. I saw her at the party.
Lo vi subiendo las escaleras. I saw him coming upstairs.
Los vi entrar al banco. I saw them enter the bank.
Vi el partido por televisión. I saw the match on television.
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