Sentence examples of "vida probable" in Spanish

No es probable que nuestra compañía obtenga beneficios este año. It's unlikely that our company will make a profit this year.
Ha llevado una vida dura. She's had a hard life.
Es probable que llegue pronto. He is likely to arrive soon.
Tom arriesgó su vida para salvar a Mary. Tom risked his life to save Mary.
Según la predicción del clima, es probable que el tifón se aproxime a la costa. According to the weather forecast, the typhoon is likely to approach the coast.
Tengo un seguro de vida. I have life insurance.
Es probable que él apruebe el examen de acceso. He is likely to pass the entrance examination.
No ser alto no es una desventaja seria en la vida. Not being tall is not a serious disadvantage in life.
Es altamente probable que la eliminación del elemento C dará el mismo resultado. It is highly probable that the deletion of element C will still yield the same result.
No aguanto las inconveniencias de la vida campestre. I can't bear the inconvenience of country life.
Es probable que a Tom le den el alta mañana. Tom will likely be discharged from the hospital tomorrow.
No quiero desperdiciar los mejores años de mi vida por ti. I do not want to waste the best years of my life for you.
Aún pienso que es poco probable que él venga hoy. I still think it's unlikely that he'll come today.
Si en toda tu vida te abstienes de asesinar, robar, fornicar, cometer perjurio, blasfemar y faltar al respeto a tus padres, tu iglesia o tu rey, eres convencionalmente considerado alguien que merece admiración moral, incluso si no has realizado ninguna acción generosa o amable o útil. If throughout your life you abstain from murder, theft, fornication, perjury, blasphemy, and disrespect toward your parents, your church, and your king, you are conventionally held to deserve moral admiration even if you have never done a single kind or generous or useful action.
Lo más larga sea una frase, lo más probable de que sea única. The longer the sentence, the more likely it is to be unique.
Él salvó a su amigo arriesgando su propia vida. He saved his friend at the risk of his own life.
Es probable que Jane venga. It is probable that Jane will come.
Médicos y enfermeras deberían preservar la vida a toda costa. Doctors and nurses must preserve life at all costs.
Es poco probable que Tom venga solo. Tom is unlikely to come by himself.
Ella vivió toda su vida en esa ciudad. She lived all her life in that town.
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