Sentence examples of "vieja" in Spanish with translation "old"

Translations: all261 old260 other translations1
Esta es mi bicicleta vieja. This is my old bicycle.
Esa vieja tradición ha desaparecido. That old tradition has disappeared.
Vivo en una casa vieja. I live in an old house.
Gallina vieja hace buen caldo There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle
Ésa es una cámara vieja. That is an old camera.
Estamos derribando la vieja casa. We are bringing down the old house.
Esa es una vieja historia. That's an old tale.
Una muralla rodeaba la vieja ciudad. A wall surrounded the old city.
Su casa es pequeña y vieja. His house was small and old.
Ella cuida de su vieja madre. She takes care of her old mother.
Comenzó a tocar una vieja canción. He began to play an old song.
Mi tía murió una vieja solterona. My aunt died an old spinster.
Porque mi escalera vieja está rota. Because my old ladder is broken.
Mi casa es vieja y fea. My house is old and ugly.
Es la voz de una vieja. It's the voice of an old woman.
Esta es noticia vieja para mí. This is old news to me.
Hay una vieja iglesia en esta ciudad. There is an old church in this town.
Ella está avergonzada de su ropa vieja. She is ashamed of her old clothes.
La vieja casa estaba en malas condiciones. The old house was in bad shape.
Dicen que esta vieja casa está embrujada. They say this old house is haunted.
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