Sentence examples of "volverse" in Spanish

Su meta es volverse en cantante profesional. His aim is to become a professional singer.
Su objetivo principal en la vida era volverse rico. His main object in life was to become rich.
El hombre es el único animal sujeto a volverse un imbécil. Man is the only animal subject to becoming an imbecile.
Los ojos pueden volverse selectivos, ignorando parte de lo que hay, y el cerebro a veces insiste en ver cosas que no existen en absoluto. The eyes themselves can become selective, ignoring part of what is there, and the brain sometimes insists on seeing things that don't exist at all.
Tom se volvió un héroe. Tom became a hero.
Ya no hay vuelta atrás. There's no turning back now.
No te vuelvas a dormir. Don't go back to sleep!
La competición se volvió encarnizada. The competition has become fierce.
No hay vuelta de hoja. There's no turning back.
Ha vuelto a trabajar con fisioterapeutas. He went back to work with physiotherapists.
¿Por qué se volvió profesora? Why did you become a teacher?
El auto dio una vuelta abrupta. The car made an abrupt turn.
Debemos volvernos a la edad media para rastrear su origen. We must go back to the Middle Ages to trace the origin.
¿Por qué te volviste profesor? Why did you become a teacher?
Las hojas se vuelven de oro. Leaves turn to gold.
Tienes que volverte más agresivo. You need to become more aggressive.
Las hojas del árbol se volvieron amarillas. The leaves of the tree turned yellow.
Se ha vuelto bastante otoñal. It has become quite autumnal.
Ella se volvió y comenzó a llorar. She turned away and began to cry.
Mi hermana se volvió estudiante universitaria. My sister became a college student.
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