Sentence examples of "cambie de idea" in Spanish

Puede que él cambie de idea. He might change his mind.
¿Qué le hizo cambiar de idea? What made him change his mind?
Tratamos de hacerlo cambiar de idea, pero no pudimos. We tried to get him to change his mind, but couldn't.
Tom cambió de idea en el último minuto. Tom changed his mind at the last minute.
Me pregunto qué le habrá hecho cambiar de idea. I wonder what has made him change his mind.
Cambié de idea sobre lo de salir, y me quedé en casa. I changed my mind about going out and stayed home.
No hay nada que yo pueda decir que hiciera cambiar a Tom de idea. There's nothing I could ever say that would make Tom change his mind.
No cambiaré de idea pase lo que pase. Come what may; I won't change my mind.
Quiero dejar claro que no he cambiado de idea. I want to make it clear that I have not changed my mind.
No cambies de idea. Don't change your mind.
No debí haber perdido mi tiempo tratando de convencer a Tom de cambiar de idea. I shouldn't have wasted my time trying to convince Tom to change his mind.
En ese caso, cambiaré de idea. In that case, I'll change my mind.
Iba a intentar quedar en la Universidad de Tokyo, pero cambié de idea. I was going to try to get into Tokyo University, but I've changed my mind.
Él cambió de idea. He changed his mind.
Tom cambió de idea. Tom changed his mind.
¿Qué te hizo cambiar de idea? What made you change your mind?
Cambié de idea. I changed my mind.
Lo persuadimos de cambiar de idea. We persuaded him to change his mind.
Si el sol saliera por el oeste, no cambiaría de idea. If the sun were to rise in the west, I wouldn't change my mind.
¡Qué buena idea! What a good idea!
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