Sentence examples of "definitivamente" in Spanish

Definitivamente, esa es la meta. That's definitely the goal.
Yo definitivamente asistiré a tu funeral. I will definitely go to your funeral.
¡CK definitivamente deberia ir a Sony! CK should definitely go Sony!
Tal vez ambos quieren definitivamente el divorcio. Maybe they both definitely want divorce.
Tom definitivamente debería pedirle su opinión a Mary. Tom should definitely ask for Mary's opinion.
Tom definitivamente necesita ser un poco más sociable. Tom definitely needs to be a bit more sociable.
Tom definitivamente no es estúpido. Solo es flojo. Tom is definitely not stupid. He's just lazy.
Si me engañas otra vez, definitivamente no te perdonaré If you cheat on me again, I definitely won't forgive you.
Mary era definitivamente la chica más linda en la fiesta. Mary was definitely the prettiest girl at the party.
El lunes definitivamente no es mi día favorito de la semana. Monday definitely isn't my favourite day of the week.
Si hablarías menos y escucharías más, definitivamente serías capaz de aprender algo. If you spoke less and listened more, you'd definitely be able to learn something.
El temor al desprecio casi me hizo abandonar definitivamente el proyecto de continuar mi obra. The fear to disdain almost made me definitely abandon the project of carrying on with my work.
La decisión no es definitiva. The decision is not final.
Tom aún no ha oído nada definitivo acerca de si acaso él quedó o no en Harvard. Tom hasn't yet heard anything definite about whether he got into Harvard or not.
La decisión del juez es definitiva. The judge's decision is final.
Yo definitivamente quiero ir contigo. I do want to go with you.
El coche se paró definitivamente. The car stopped completely immobile.
Esa es definitivamente una posibilidad. That's certainly one possibility.
Si él se entera, definitivamente estará furioso. If he finds out, certainly he will be very angry.
El Corán, lejos de ser inigualable, es más bien una obra literaria de calidad inferior, no es claro, ni entendible, y no posee valor práctico y definitivamente no es un libro revelado. The Koran, far from being inimitable, is a literary work of inferior quality, as it is neither clear, nor understandable, nor does it possess any practical value and is certainly not a revealed book.
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