Sentence examples of "queso" in Spanish

Frank come algo de queso. Frank eats some cheese.
¿Me enseñarías a hacer queso? Would you teach me how to make cheese?
Quisiera comprar algo de queso. I would like to buy some cheese.
A Tom le gusta el queso. Tom likes cheese.
El queso se fabrica con leche. Cheese is made from milk.
El keppe viene relleno con queso. The kibbeh comes stuffed with cheese.
No me gusta mucho el queso. I don't like cheese very much.
Transformamos la leche en queso y manteca. We make milk into cheese and butter.
George comió mucho queso en el desayuno. George had a lot of cheese for breakfast.
Compraré un poco de queso y pan. I'll buy some cheese and bread.
Voy a comprar carne, queso y tomates. I'm going to buy meat, cheese, and tomatoes.
Compré queso y un poco de leche. I bought some cheese and a little milk.
A Tom no le gusta mucho el queso. Tom doesn't like cheese very much.
Me gusta más la mantequilla que el queso. I like butter better than cheese.
Ese queso está hecho de leche de oveja. That cheese is made from sheep's milk.
El queso se hace a partir de leche. Cheese is made from milk.
Mamá hizo sándwiches de queso para el almuerzo. Mother made us cheese sandwiches for lunch.
Tom se comió un trozo de queso suizo. Tom ate one slice of Swiss cheese.
Había cuatro trozos de queso sobre la mesa. There were four pieces of cheese on the table.
La leche se procesa para hacer mantequilla o queso. Milk is made into butter and cheese.
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