Sentence examples of "simple" in Spanish

Es un proceso muy simple. It's a very simple process.
Lo fácil no siempre es simple. Easy isn't always simple.
La física cuántica es demasiado difícil para que lo entienda un simple mortal. Quantum physics is too difficult for a mere mortal to understand.
Explíquemelo de forma simple, por favor. Explain it in plain terms, please.
Es tan simple como eso. It's as simple as that.
Nada puede pillar por sorpresa a un estadounidense. A menudo se ha dicho que la palabra "imposible" no era francesa. Obviamente, la gente miró en el diccionario equivocado. En Estados Unidos, todo es fácil, todo es simple y las dificultades mecánicas se solucionan antes de surgir. Nothing can take an American by surprise. It has often been said that the word "impossible" was not a French one. People have obviously looked in the wrong dictionary. In America, all is easy, all is simple and mechanical difficulties are overcome before they arise.
Mary se preguntaba si para Tom ella era una simple palabra o una auténtica persona. Mary was wondering whether she counted for Tom as a mere word or as a real person.
La solución era muy simple. The solution was quite simple.
Nada es tan simple como parece. Nothing is as simple as it seems.
Esta es una simple frase declarativa. This is a simple declarative sentence.
Conducir un auto es realmente muy simple. Driving a car is really very simple.
Esto debería ser bastante simple de entender. This should be pretty simple to understand.
¿Quién no conoce un proverbio tan simple? Who doesn't know such a simple proverb?
Este texto está escrito en inglés simple. This textbook is written in simple English.
¿Quieres conocer mi secreto? Es muy simple... Do you want to know my secret? It's very simple...
Salvo que aquí no es tan simple. Except that here, it's not so simple.
¿Queréis saber mi secreto? Es muy simple... Do you want to know my secret? It's very simple...
No hay una solución simple a este problema. There is no simple solution for this problem.
Hasta un niño chico sabe algo tan simple. The smallest child knows such a simple thing.
No puedo decírselo ahora. Ya no es tan simple. I can't tell her now. It's not that simple anymore.
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