Exemplos de uso de "place au soleil" em francês

Papa prit place au bout de la table. Father took his place at the head of the table.
Cet enfant a été laissé trop longtemps au soleil. That child was left in the sun too long.
Les gens s'attroupèrent autour du blessé, mais firent place au médecin quand il atteignit le lieu de l'accident. The people crowded round the injured man, but they made way for the doctor when he reached the scene of the accident.
Si tu passes trop de temps au soleil sans mettre de crème solaire, il est probable que tu attrapes un coup de soleil. If you spend too much time in the sun without putting on sunscreen, you are likely to get a sunburn.
Père prit place au bout de la table. Father took his place at the head of the table.
Le chat se dorait au soleil. The cat was basking in the sun.
Père pris place au bout de la table et entama le bénédicité. Father took his place at the head of the table and began to say grace.
Cette façade de la maison est exposée au soleil le matin. This side of the house catches the morning sun.
Si vous passez trop de temps au soleil sans mettre de crème solaire, il est probable que vous attrapiez un coup de soleil. If you spend too much time in the sun without putting on sunscreen, you are likely to get a sunburn.
Le chat se prélassait au soleil. The cat was basking in the sun.
N'exposez pas les photos au soleil. Don't expose photos to the sun.
Le souci fleurit au soleil. The marigold rises with the sun.
Si on passe trop de temps au soleil sans mettre de crème solaire, il est probable qu'on attrape un coup de soleil. If you spend too much time in the sun without putting on sunscreen, you are likely to get a sunburn.
N'expose pas les photos au soleil. Don't expose photos to the sun.
Les chats aiment jouer au soleil. Cats like playing in the sun.
La gravité lie les planètes au Soleil. Gravity binds the planets to the sun.
Ne reste pas trop longtemps au soleil. Don't stay in the sun too long.
Au soleil, les gens vont frire à en devenir croustillants aujourd'hui. People will fry to a crisp in the sun today.
Les fruits pourrissent au soleil. Fruits decay in the sun.
La glace fonda au soleil. The ice has melted in the sun.
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