Exemplos de uso de "politicien en chambre" em francês

On peut facilement reconnaître le politicien en lui. You can easily see the politician in him.
Apparemment, le meurtre a eu lieu en chambre close. Apparently, the murder happened in a locked room.
Il y a beaucoup de livres dans ma chambre. There are many books in my room.
Le politicien a essayé de couvrir le délit d'initié. The politician tried to cover up the insider trading.
Il est entré dans ma chambre. He entered my room.
La nouvelle du scandale fit perdre la face au politicien. News of the scandal caused the politician to lose face.
La chambre était pleine d'insectes, des millions de petits insectes se tortillant avec plein de pattes. The room was full of bugs, millions of small, wriggling bugs with lots of legs.
Ce politicien n’est plus rien depuis que le scandale Recruit a été rendu public. That politician has come down in the world since the so-called "Recruit scandal" was publicized.
Il y avait divers objets dans la chambre. There were various objects in the room.
Le journaliste critiqua le politicien. The reporter criticized the politician.
La chambre était pleine de meubles. The room was crowded with furniture.
Politicien, c'est un emploi de merde, mais bizarrement, aucun ne veut jamais le quitter. Apparemment, c'est trop bandant. Politician, it is a shitty job, but strangely enough nobody ever wants to quit. Apparently, it is too much of a turn-on.
Cependant la princesse s'était barricadée dans sa chambre et ne voulait pas sortir. However, the princess had barricaded herself in her room and wouldn't come out.
Silvio Berlusconi est un politicien italien, le premier ministre actuel d'Italie et un entrepreneur à succès. Silvio Berlusconi is an Italian politician, the current Prime Minister of Italy, as well as a successful entrepreneur.
Elle lui fit nettoyer sa chambre. She made him clean his room.
Il n'oublia jamais son ambition de devenir un grand politicien. He never forgot his ambition to become a great politician.
Il se retira dans sa chambre après dîner. He retired to his own room after supper.
Ce politicien est un digne représentant de la gauche caviar. This politician is a typical champagne socialist.
Il a pu avoir l'aide de sa sœur pour peindre le mur de sa chambre. He had his sister help him paint the wall of his room.
Il est le premier politicien d'envergure nationale à avoir été nommé dans un scandale de corruption qui s'avère grandissant. He is the first national politician to be named in a widening corruption scandal.
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