Exemplos de uso de "all by herself" em inglês

She did it all by herself. Lo hizo todo ella sola.
Her mother lives in the country all by herself. Su madre vive sola en el campo.
After her husband's death, she brought up the two children all by herself. Después de la muerte del marido, ella crió a sus dos hijos sola.
He lived there all by himself. Vivía ahí él solo.
She lives in this house by herself. Ella vive sola en esta casa.
I ate it all by myself. Me lo comí todo yo solito.
She went to Mexico by herself. Ella se fue a México sola.
Tom did it all by himself. Tom lo hizo todo por su cuenta.
She shouldn't go by herself. Ella no debería ir sola.
You built that all by yourself? ¿Construiste eso tu solo?
She carried this table by herself. Ella llevó sola esta mesa.
Nancy didn't mind living abroad by herself. A Nancy no le importó vivir ella sola en el extranjero.
She stressed that she did it by herself. Enfatizó que lo había hecho ella misma.
She went there by herself. Ella fue allá por sí sola.
My grandmother lives by herself. Mi abuela vive porsola.
The old lady lived in a three-room apartment by herself. La señora mayor vivía sola en un apartamento de tres habitaciones.
Tom doesn't think that Mary did all her homework by herself. Tom no cree que Mary haya hecho toda la tarea ella sola.
She has this big room all to herself. Tiene esta gran habitación para ella sola.
Pharamp wants Trang all for herself. Pharamp quiere a Trang para ella sola.
She daringly superimposed herself over all of her persecutors. Ella se sobrepuso con audacia a todos sus perseguidores.
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