Sentence examples of "overcome difficulties" in English

You must overcome the difficulties. Tienes que superar las dificultades.
You'll have to overcome a few difficulties. Deberás superar algunos inconvenientes.
Nothing can take an American by surprise. It has often been said that the word "impossible" was not a French one. People have obviously looked in the wrong dictionary. In America, all is easy, all is simple and mechanical difficulties are overcome before they arise. Nada puede pillar por sorpresa a un estadounidense. A menudo se ha dicho que la palabra "imposible" no era francesa. Obviamente, la gente miró en el diccionario equivocado. En Estados Unidos, todo es fácil, todo es simple y las dificultades mecánicas se solucionan antes de surgir.
He overcame many difficulties. Él superó muchas dificultades.
He has overcome many obstacles. Él ha superado mucho obstáculos.
I am in financial difficulties. Tengo dificultades financieras.
In a few seconds I would have overcome the desperation threshold. En unos segundo más habré superado el umbral de desesperación.
Man has got over many difficulties. El hombre ha superado muchas dificultades.
She has the wonderful capability to overcome any obstacle. Ella tiene la maravillosa habilidad de sobreponerse a cualquier obstáculo.
We must get over many difficulties. Debemos superar muchas dificultades.
I managed to overcome the difficulty. Logré superar la dificultad.
I went through a lot of difficulties in Mexico because I couldn't understand Spanish at all. Pasé muchas dificultades en México debido a que no podía entender del todo el español.
He was overcome by a feeling of melancholy. Él se vio abrumado por una sensación de melancolía.
Just think of the difficulties! ¡Solo piensa en las dificultades!
Tom was suddenly overcome by fear. Tom fue repentinamente abrumado por el miedo.
Sometimes he has difficulties with being articulate about his views. A veces le dificulta expresar claramente sus opiniones.
Years of resistance to misfortune ended when the settlers' village was overcome by the savages and their hopes and lives came to the bitter end. Años de resistencia a la adversidad terminó cuando los conquistadores fueron superados en número por los salvajes, y sus esperanzas -y vidas-, llegaron a un triste final.
As you have difficulties, I'll help you. Como tienes dificultades, yo te ayudaré.
They must have been overcome by the recent disasters. Los recientes desastres les han superado.
Peter overcame a lot of difficulties before succeeding as a doctor. Peter superó muchas dificultades antes de tener éxito como doctor.
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