Sentence examples of "rough copy" in English

Can you copy this for me? ¿Puedes copiarlo por mí?
I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. No me gusta la arena. Es basta, áspera e irritante, y se mete por todas partes.
I am sending a copy of my letter to you. Te estoy enviando una copia de mi carta.
The road to the village is very rough. La carretera al pueblo está en muy mal estado.
He compared the copy with the original. Comparó la copia con el original.
This paper is rough. Este papel es áspero.
The author presented a copy of his latest book to me. El autor me obsequió un ejemplar de su último libro.
Somehow it's been a rough day. De alguna manera ha sido un día duro.
Please send me another copy. Por favor, envíeme otra copia.
He received rough treatment. Recibió un trato muy duro.
The picture you are looking at is a copy of a Picasso. El cuadro que está mirando es una copia de un Picasso.
Tom had a rough day. Tom tuvo un día arduo.
It wouldn't be right that I'd let you copy my work. No sería correcto si te dejo copiarme.
Tom's face feels rough because he needs to shave. El rostro de Tom se siente áspero porque debe afeitarse.
Compare the copy with the original. Compara la copia con el original.
Go easy on Bob. You know, he's been going though a rough period recently. Se paciente con Bob. Sabes, él ha atravesado ratos difíciles recientemente.
That copy differs from the original. Esa copia difiere del original.
Dennis doesn't have rough manners. Dennis no tiene malos modales.
Give me a copy of this book. Dame una copia de este libro.
His hands feel rough. Sus manos se sienten ásperas.
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