Exemplos de uso de "take part" em inglês

Did you take part in the discussion yesterday? Avez-vous pris part à la discussion, hier ?
I didn't take part in the conversation. Je n'ai pas pris part à la conversation.
The doctor forbade me to take part in the marathon. Le médecin m'a interdit de prendre part au marathon.
Tom was too shy to take part in games with the other boys. Tom était trop timide pour prendre part aux jeux avec les autres garçons.
A new team was formed in order to take part in the boat race. Une nouvelle équipe fut formée afin de prendre part à la course de bateau.
I took part in the contest. Je pris part au concours.
All took part in the negotiations. Tous prirent part aux négociations.
He took part in the race. Il a pris part à la course.
I took part in the sporting event. Je pris part à la manifestation sportive.
He denied having taken part in the crime. Il nia avoir pris part au crime.
Lots of people took part in the marathon. Plusieurs prirent part au marathon.
He took part in the anti-war demonstration. Il prit part à la manifestation contre la guerre.
Your son took part in the student movement, I hear. J'entends que votre fils a pris part au mouvement étudiant.
The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part. La chose la plus importante aux Jeux Olympiques n'est pas de gagner mais d'y prendre part.
He took part of this non-profit organisation to help make his vision of the world become reality. Il prit part à cette organisation à but non lucratif pour contribuer à ce que sa vision du monde devienne réalité.
He would like to take part in the contest. Il voudrait participer au concours.
He would like to take part in the competition. Il voudrait participer à la compétition.
Are you going to take part in the contest? Vas-tu participer à la compétition ?
Are you planning to take part in the meeting? Avez-vous prévu de participer à la réunion ?
The important thing is not to win but to take part. Le plus important n'est pas de gagner mais de participer.
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