Exemples d'utilisation de "Erano" en italien

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Le sue mani erano vuote. His hands were empty.
Molti dei voti erano illegali. Many of the votes were illegal.
Tutti i membri erano presenti. All the members were present.
Erano tutti vestiti in uniforme. They were all dressed in uniforms.
Erano l'incubo degli anziani. They were the nightmare of the elderly.
Loro erano in biblioteca ieri? Were they in the library yesterday?
Erano tutte vestite in uniforme. They were all dressed in uniforms.
Gli studenti erano tutti presenti. All of the students were present.
Tutti i cani erano vivaci. All of the dogs were alive.
Una volta erano molto utili. Once they were very useful.
Tutti i cani erano vivi. All of the dogs were alive.
I suoi genitori erano furiosi. His parents were furious.
I vescovi erano favorevoli alla proposta. The bishops were in favor of the proposition.
Non tutti gli studenti erano presenti. Not all the students were present.
Tom e Mary non erano famosi. Tom and Mary were not famous.
Erano troppo stanchi per lavorare ancora. They were too tired to work any more.
Le prove erano a suo favore. The evidence was in his favor.
Ma le risposte erano tutte sbagliate. But the answers were all wrong.
Loro erano esposti al fuoco nemico. They were exposed to the enemy's gunfire.
Numerose stelle erano visibili nel cielo. Numerous stars were visible in the sky.
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