Sentence examples of "sue" in Italian

Mi ha presentato a Sue. He introduced me to Sue.
Quelle foto sono le sue. Those photos are hers.
Io sono nelle sue mani. I'm in your hands.
Leggere ha le sue regole. Reading has its rules.
Sembravano tutti soddisfattti dalle sue risposte. They all appeared satisfied with your answers.
Cosa implicano le sue parole? What do his words imply?
Sono stanco delle sue lamentele. I'm fed up with her complaints.
Mostra Tatoeba alle sue amiche? Do you show Tatoeba to your friends?
La lettura ha le sue regole. Reading has its rules.
Hanno chiesto permissione di armare le sue barche. They asked for permission to arm their ships.
Le sue mani erano vuote. His hands were empty.
Sono stufo delle sue lamentele. I'm fed up with her complaints.
Dove sono le sue cose? Where are your things?
Ogni rosa ha le sue spine. Every rose has its thorns.
Le sue gambe sono lunghe. His legs are long.
Quelle fotografie sono le sue. Those photos are hers.
Spero di avere sue notizie. I hope to hear from you.
Il nostro cane sotterra le sue ossa in giardino. Our dog buries its bones in the garden.
Mi ha presentata a Sue. He introduced me to Sue.
Le sue azione furono vane. Her actions were in vain.
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