Beispiele für die Verwendung von "As soon as" im Englischen

Let's go as soon as John comes. Andiamo appena John arriva.
She came here as soon as she heard it. Lei è venuta qui appena l'ha sentito.
Let's go as soon as it stops raining. Andiamo appena smette di piovere.
I'll call you as soon as I'm free. Ti chiamerò appena sono libero.
As soon as we sat down, she brought us coffee. Appena ci siamo seduti ci ha portato del caffè.
As soon as she saw me, she began to weep. Appena mi ha visto, ha cominciato a piangere.
As soon as he saw a policeman, he ran away. Appena ha visto un poliziotto è corso via.
I'll write you as soon as I arrive there. Ti scriverò appena arrivo.
I started liking Mary as soon as I met her. Maria ha cominciato a piacermi appena l'ho incontrata.
As soon as he was left alone, he opened the letter. Non appena fu lasciato solo, aprì la lettera.
As soon as you arrive, he will make something to eat. Appena arrivi, prepara qualcosa da mangiare.
As soon as the dog saw me, it began to bark. Appena il cane mi ha visto ha cominciato ad abbaiare.
As soon as you arrive, she will make something to eat. Appena arrivi, prepara qualcosa da mangiare.
I'll phone you as soon as I get to the airport. Ti chiamo appena arrivo in aeroporto.
I'll go out and buy one as soon as I can. Uscirò a prenderne uno appena posso.
I will give you a call as soon as I get home. Ti chiamerò appena arrivo a casa.
As soon as he went out of the house, it began to rain. Non appena è uscito di casa ha cominciato a piovere.
As soon as work is over, he makes a beeline for the pub. Non appena finisce di lavorare, va dritto al pub.
As soon as I can get the chance, I'll help your mother paint the fence. Appena avrò l'occasione aiuterò tua madre a dipingere lo steccato.
Come as soon as possible. Vieni il prima possibile.
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