Sentence examples of "As soon as" in English

Come as soon as you can. Ven tan pronto como puedas.
She liked Charles as soon as she met him. A ella le gustó Charles en cuanto le conoció.
We will leave as soon as he comes. Iremos apenas él llegue.
Please come as soon as possible. Por favor, ven tan pronto como te sea posible.
I recognized her as soon as I saw her. La reconocí en cuanto la vi.
Let's start as soon as he comes. Comencemos apenas él venga.
I'll come as soon as possible. Vendré tan pronto como sea posible.
It started raining as soon as we got home. Empezó a llover en cuanto llegamos a casa.
Give him this message as soon as he arrives. Dale este recado apenas él llegue.
Get it done as soon as possible. Hazlo tan pronto como puedas.
As soon as they return, I will telephone you. En cuanto vuelvan, te llamo.
As soon as he saw me, he ran away. Se fue corriendo apenas me vio.
As soon as she comes, we will begin. Tan pronto como llegue ella, comenzaremos.
As soon as I got home, the telephone rang. En cuanto llegué a casa sonó el teléfono.
Call me as soon as you meet up with him. Llámame apenas te hayas juntado con él.
Return this book as soon as you can. Devuelve este libro tan pronto como puedas.
As soon as she is ready, give me a call. Llámame en cuanto esté lista.
As soon as I see him, I'll kill him. Apenas lo vea, lo mataré.
You should set off as soon as possible. Deberías partir tan pronto como sea posible.
As soon as it stopped raining a beautiful rainbow appeared. En cuanto dejó de llover, apareció un bonito arco iris.
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