Sentence examples of "but marqué contre son camp" in French

La balle est dans son camp The ball is in his court
Il n'a aucune chance contre son adversaire. He doesn't stand a chance against his opponent.
En ce qui me concerne, je n'ai rien contre son plan. So far as I am concerned, I am not against his plan.
Je suis contre l'utilisation de la mort en tant que punition. Je suis aussi contre son utilisation en tant que récompense. I am against using death as a punishment. I am also against using it as a reward.
Es-tu pour ou contre son idée ? Are you for or against his idea?
Ce pays déclara la guerre contre son voisin. The country declared war against its neighbor.
Elle se fâchait contre son frère. She was out of temper with her brother.
Aucun de nous n'est contre son idée. None of us are against his idea.
Elle se blottit contre son petit ami. She nuzzled up against her boyfriend.
Êtes-vous pour ou contre son idée ? Are you for or against his idea?
Les préjugés contre le Québec existent à cause de son intransigeance linguistique. The prejudices against Québec exist due to its linguistic intransigence.
Faire de l'argent est le but de son existence. Making money is his reason for living.
Il a atteint son but. He reached his goal.
Son but dans la vie était de devenir musicien. His object in life was to become a musician.
Son but est de devenir enseignante. His objective is to become a teacher.
Son but est de devenir chanteur professionnel. His aim is to become a professional singer.
Son but est de devenir médecin. His aim is to become a doctor.
Il travaille dur pour atteindre son but. He works hard to achieve his goal.
Il atteignit enfin son but. He achieved his aim at last.
Elle pressait son nez contre la vitre. She pressed her nose against the glass.
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